Oct 23, 2024
9:00 am PT

Event Summits

Save the date! 2024 Ten-Year Forecast Summit

In 2024, IFTF will host the Ten-Year Forecast to present our latest research on Relational Futures—examining next era for humans...

IFTF Vantage

IFTF Vantage Partnership

Future-Ready Organizations

MOTD 22 Civic Society


IFTF 2022-2032 Map of the Decade—The Reevaluation of Everything: Civil Society

New Operational Environment Overview Cover Thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: Anticipating and Shaping the New Operational Environment 2021 - Overview

Project: Future Readiness

IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021

Anticipating and Shaping the New Operational Environment

Building Climate Positive Organizations Workshop Facilitators Guide web thumbnail


IFTF Vantage Building Climate Positive Orgs Workshop Facilitators Guide

NOE 3 Privacy cover thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021 — PRIVACY: Granularity of Consent

NOE 1 Equity cover thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021 — EQUITY: Getting to the Roots

NOE 5 Belonging cover thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021 — BELONGING: The Paradox of Expansion

NOE 6 Meaning cover thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021 — MEANING: Scaling Back to Recreate Context

NOE 2 Collaboration cover thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021 — COLLABORATION: Sentient Hybrid Teams and Distributed Workplaces

NOE 7 Ownership cover thumbnail


IFTF Vantage: New Operational Environment 2021 — OWNERSHIP: Breaking Up the Bundle of Rights

Maps of the Decade and Selected Research

Map of the Decade and Selected Research from IFTF

Project: Future Readiness

Six Superpowers


Maureen Kirchner

Communications Director, IFTF Vantage Partnership


Lir Wang

Research Affiliate

Project: Ethical Tech

Social VR Leading Edge Behaviors

Negotiating trust and what's real in the new world of Social VR


Identify Your Assets and Gaps: A Foresight Tool for Action

IFTF's Toolkit for the Networked World for its attendees to help them systematically think through what assets their own organizations had lying around which were full of unrealized potential...