Area of Concern

Climate Change

This project was produced as a commission for "A New Story to Spark the Future of Climate Action in 2030."

Allie Wist’s work asks a series of essential and challenging questions, positioning the viewer inside the urgent future reshaping our environment. Her questions are embodied in 3 photographic movements Occupying Future Shorelines, Edible Geographies + Shifting Flora, and Artifacts of the Anthropocene + New Rituals, and accompanied by a toolkit for executing rehearsals of these new futures.

We have tried to quantify the magnitude of climate change for decades—we have sought to draw charts and diagrams and maps to explain our future existence. Change of plans. This is a rehearsal for those futures. We must occupy our future existence, our possible adaptations, and our new landscapes.

This body of work presents a ficto-critical and ecologically imaginatory narrative, as well as a call for exploration regarding near-future climate adaptation. It uses the language of photography and multidisciplinary art to present both an urgent and an ambivalent archetype. Which the basis of the work stems from climate change research trajectories and contemporary environmental philosophy, it is also centered around a female protagonist and her attempts to occupy future landscapes. It is at once immediate and applicable, presenting a suggestion for how individuals can perceive our current surroundings, while it also reaches towards the future, staging a rehearsal for encountering changed landscapes.

“Every landscape is haunted by past ways of life. Anthropogenic landscapes are also haunted by imagined futures.” Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, et all, Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet

How can we see the embedded ghosts in our landscapes, and the phantoms of our future that haunt our environment? What vision can articulate the layered and complex interactions within our changing climate? I have made an attempt to adapt to specific near-future landscapes—to explore the creeping realities of how we might adapt to and live within these places. What maps will we need to read? What might be be eating and carrying with us? Where does urgency meld with confusion, or with apathy? Traces of our memories and our habits will linger in these spaces, as do the specters of what is to come. We may be strangers to our future selves, but we have the power to enact rehearsals of our future, and cement our ongoing relationship with the planet through imagination and narrative.

Allie Wist Toolkit Cover Thumb

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