Area of Concern

Future Readiness

Today we face a set of profound transitions ...

These transitions have been prompted by increasingly messy, contentious debates about the nature of equity, evidence, ownership, collaboration, belonging, meaning, and privacy.

The beginning of the decade has been marked by enormous challenges. These challenges have felt sudden and surprising but are actually symptoms of much larger transitions in our operating environment, transitions that operate at a much larger scale than a single organization or even government. But if you can anticipate how these transitions might unfold, you can help shape their nature and identify more resilient organizational responses.

We're excited to provide you with exclusive early access to the Summary Report via the form below. The complete research bundle includes seven additional deep-dive reports to help you and your organization anticipate and shape the new operational environment:

  1. EQUITY: getting to the roots
  2. COLLABORATION: sentient hybrid teams and distributed workplaces
  3. PRIVACY: granularity of consent
  4. EVIDENCE: multiple truths and serious consequences
  5. BELONGING: the paradox of expansion
  6. MEANING: scaling back to recreate context
  7. OWNERSHIP: breaking up the bundle of rights
New Operational Environment Overview Cover Thumbnail
NOE 1 Equity cover thumbnail
NOE 2 Collaboration cover thumbnail
NOE 3 Privacy cover thumbnail
NOE 4 Evidence cover thumbnail
NOE 5 Belonging cover thumbnail
NOE 6 Meaning cover thumbnail
NOE 7 Ownership cover thumbnail
Vantage circle