Area of Concern

Future Readiness

We have entered a period of incredible short-term adaptation coupled with long-term instability. This instability is coming from all directions: the climate crisis, the ongoing struggle to manage the pandemic, organizational and geopolitical uncertainty, and increasingly urgent calls to address long-standing and systemic inequities. 

Facing these issues challenges us to radically rethink everything and thus transform the global landscape over the coming decade. The question we face today is simple: Will we address these issues ... or become their victims?

IFTF Map of the Decade 2022-2032

Each year, IFTF produces Map of the Decade research to examine emerging challenges and opportunities that we need to understand to help them plan for long-term success. And now in 2024 we're excited to publicly release The Decisive Decade: The Reevaluation of Everything. This research includes an Executive Overview plus 8 accompanying topical deep-dives, previously published exclusively to IFTF Vantage Partners in 2022.

Each of the 8 deep-dive reports on emerging challenges ...

  • Examines a different urgent future, beginning with a brief introduction plus a crucial question the specific urgent future demands us to consider.
  • Follows with a historical and contextual discussion of the urgent future and a set of insights for future-ready organizations.
  • Identifies 2 critical uncertainties that will shape this urgent future. The limits of these uncertainties form the coordinates of a 2X2 matrix we used to develop 4 plausible scenarios for the urgent future.
  • Explains how we identified the 2 critical uncertainties and developed the 4 scenarios for each urgent future.

Download and enjoy the complete set of research below ...

MOTD 22 Overview
MOTD 22 Civic Society
MOTD 22 Wellbeing
MOTD 22 Fragmented Reality
MOTD 22 Equitable
MOTD 22 Longevity
MOTD 22 Energy
MOTD 22 Food
MOTD 22 Place
Facing the decisive decade cover

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