Area of Concern

Civic Futures

IFTF is excited to announce our 2024 collaboration with the California Arts Council (CAC) and its newly formed Creative Economy Workgroup (CEW) to envision a thriving, inclusive future for California's creative economy.

California's creative sector has always been a vital engine of innovation, job creation, and cultural expression. However, technological change, new ways of working, and rising inequality pose significant challenges. Mandated by Senate Bill 628, the CEW will develop a strategic plan for the State to stimulate creative industries and foster job creation and innovation,, attract and retain creative talent, and improve access for historically marginalized communities. In partnership with IFTF, the CEW, a diverse group of leaders from arts, government, business, nonprofits, education, and other sectors will guide the strategic planning process. IFTF will also provide research, facilitation, and foresight expertise to help the workgroup envision a more vibrant, inclusive future for California's creative workforce and industries by leveraging expertise in foresight and strategic planning to create a forward-looking framework.

“Since our founding 48 years ago, the California Arts Council, underscores our commitment to driving resources and strengthening cultural pathways for artists and arts organizations in the service of all Californians.

Arts, culture, and creative expression are the tools to cultivate a better California for all and the establishment of the Creative Economy Workgroup acknowledges the indispensable work that artists do to stimulate the State’s creative economy. As the arts and cultural agency of California, we ground ourselves in the understanding that our cultural diversity is our greatest strength and that the work of this group will serve to develop a plan that will include opportunities and recommendations for investment and uncover the roles that all of us can play to create a stronger creative economy in California over the next decade. We are thrilled to have IFTF supporting this process with time-tested expertise.”

                       —Danielle Brazell, Executive Director, California Arts Council 

IFTF's Prepare-Foresight-Insight-Action (PFIA) cycle and participatory methods will serve to ensure that the strategies developed are inclusive and representative of California's rich cultural diversity. Final deliverables will include a Map of the Future of California's Creative Economy, a comprehensive strategy document, and various communication materials for public and policymaker engagement. The initiative aims to cement California’s position as a leader in the creative sector, driving innovation and economic growth while ensuring inclusivity and equity.

Follow the Creative Economy Workgroup's Progress

In the Media

"California, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington: Planning for the Creative Economy," by Declan Wicks, National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (6/7/24).

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