Research Manager Lir Wang contributes to IFTF vantage research, strategic foresight advisory projects, and the Foresight Essentials Training. Her research at IFTF explores the futures of various social issues, such as work, labor, health, urban planning, sustainability, and education. She is always curious about how to improve individual well-being and the welfare of the society as a whole in these futures. With her mixed-method training background, Lir is adept at employing both quantitative and qualitative methods to build strategic foresight. Prior to Institute for the Future, she had 10+ years experience in organizational research and worked as an evaluator, helping nonprofits achieve their goals with customized assessment and research. Lir earned a dual B.A. in Law and Sociology from National Taiwan University, M.A. in Demographic and Social Analysis and Doctorate in Sociology from University of California, Irvine.
research, teaching, health and well-being, work, nonprofit, education, sustainability