Where People Come to Think and Dream:
How the YMCA Uses Signal Clubs to Engage Staff

Thursday, December 5, 2024 | 9:00am PT

The YMCA is a leading nonprofit committed to strengthening individuals and communities through empowering young people, improving individual and community well-being, and inspiring action to create meaningful change. As part of the support provided to local Y clubs, YMCA of the USA (Y-USA), which is the national resource office for YMCAs located in the United States, started a National Signals Club to develop foresight skills in staff across the country and provide space for thinking and dreaming about what is possible. And it’s been wildly successful.

Come join us on Thursday, December 5 at 9am Pacific Time when we’ll talk to Alison Huppert, Director of Strategy and Quality Practices for Innovation, and Heather Hughes, Senior Vice President of Strategic Alignment, about why they started the YMCA’s popular signals club, how they get people to attend despite their busy schedules, and what advice they have for anyone else wanting to use foresight to excite people.


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