The Equitable Enterprise team has convened a diverse community including scholars, community activists, civic leaders, innovators in business, health, and educational institutions to shape the scenarios for equity. During community workshops innovators share visions for a more equitable future and practices they are following in their work and their communities. The Initiative elevates equitable enterprise leaders’ stories, shares best practices, and outlines needed actions and policies to promote the creation and growth of equitable enterprises.
Deep Dives from Our Advisors
IFTF Equitable Enterprise: The Changing Shape of Enterprise from Jerry Davis
IFTF Equitable Enterprise: Solidarity & Cooperative Economics and African America Co-ops in History from Jessica Gordon-Nembhard
IFTF Equitable Enterprise: Digital Distributism: A Narrative for Economic Change from Douglas Rushkoff
IFTF Equitable Enterprise: Indebted by Design from Astra Taylor
IFTF Equitable Enterprise Initiative: Deep Dive from Advisor Kenneth Bailey
IFTF Equitable Enterprise—Worker Cooperatives: A Model for Economic Empowerment and Social Change from Ra Criscitiello
IFTF Equitable Enterprise—Mapping the Task Structure of Jobs from Teddy DeWitt
IFTF Equitable Enterprise—Interoperability from Cory Doctorow
IFTF Equitable Enterprise—Durable Dominance-How Mass Attention Favors the Elites from Johan Chu