Area of Concern

Future Readiness

IFTF partnered with California State University Long Beach on a two-year, strategic visioning process to help them chart a future that will embody intellectual achievement, inclusive excellence, innovation, and serving public good.  California State University Long Beach has published the results of the strategic visioning process, that IFTF partnered with them on, with 7 key action plans. Read more about "Beach 2030: A Roadmap for the Next Decade".

IFTF designed a process to drive input for this visioning process by creating a broad community of futures thinkers, and allowing voices to surface that normally are not included in institutional strategic planning., through a series of workshops and public engagement events. Participants were asked to shift their perspective and focus on questions like:  If you were a student embarking on a higher education experience over the next 10 years, what kind of experience would you want? A more diverse student body? More innovative degree options that prepare you for a changing world of work?

CSULB's priorities for action were boiled down to 

As a result of IFTF's on-going work with CSULB, the University has continued to build foresight capacity among its faculty, staff and students, by incorporating their future-ready strategic vision into decision-making at every level. They are developing an Office for the Future to bring internal and external stakeholders together around this work will further brand CSULB as a forward-looking campus; an institution of higher education capable of providing broader understanding about an uncertain future. CSULB now offers Futures thinking courses and content for students because they are skills students desperately need. CSULB sees the opportunity to leverage their new found expertise to serve as a national expert in future trends impacting our region and the world.

CSULB Action Roadmap Imagine Beach 2023

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